TKT 301: Kaiju Sukiyaki I

TKT 351: Stop Simping

TKT 302: Kaiju Sukiyaki II

TKT 352: To Serve Is To Live

TKT 303: Kaiju Sukiyaki III

TKT 353: Spoken Word

TKT 304: Kaiju Sukiyaki IV

TKT 354: A Toast To Memory

TKT 305: Kaiju Sukiyaki V

TKT 355: X L R

TKT 306: Kaiju Sukiyaki VI

TKT 356: Grimlock, Interrupted

TKT 307: Kaiju Sukiyaki VI

TKT 357: Plus Profit

TKT 308: Houses of the Holy I

TKT 358: Skin Deep

TKT 309: Houses of the Holy II

TKT 359: I'm A Godzilla I

TKT 310: Houses of the Holy III

TKT 360: I'm A Godzilla II

TKT 311: Houses of the Holy IV

TKT 361: I'm A Godzilla III

TKT 312: Houses of the Holy V

TKT 362: I'm A Godzilla IV

TKT 313: Houses of the Holy: Epilogue

TKT 363: I'm A Godzilla V

TKT 314: Hedorah-curious

TKT 364: I'm A Godzilla VI

TKT 315: Ghost Taters

TKT 365: I'm A Godzilla VII

TKT 316: Godzilla vs Gigan 50th

TKT 366: I'm A Godzilla VIII

TKT 317: The Monster King I

TKT 367: I'm A Godzilla IX

TKT 318: The Monster King II

TKT 368: I'm A Godzilla X

TKT 319: The Monster King III

TKT 369: I'm A Godzilla XI

TKT 320: The Monster King IV

TKT 370: I'm A Godzilla XII

TKT 321: The Monster King V

TKT 371: I'm A Godzilla XIII

TKT 322: The Monster King VI

TKT 372: I'm A Godzilla XIV

TKT 323: The Monster King VII

TKT 373: I'm A Godzilla XV

TKT 324: Hot Dawg

TKT 374: Boxed In

TKT 325: Train of Thought I

TKT 375: Disco Tech

TKT 326: Train of Thought II

TKT 376: Since When?

TKT 327: Craig

TKT 377: Getting Head

TKT 328: Verified

TKT 378: Here's The Thing

TKT 329: Insert Title Here

TKT 379: Minus Fun

TKT 330: The Barbie Movie

TKT 380: That's Brisk, Baby

TKT 331: The Song That Never Ends

TKT 381: The Tools and the Talent

TKT 332: Ruffling Feathers

TKT 382: Unbalanced

TKT 333: Snap Reaction

TKT 383: Minus Owned

TKT 334: Solid Burn

TKT 384: Classic Toons

TKT 335: Mothy Business

TKT 385: Sludge Lord

TKT 336: It's Pride Month

TKT 386: Godzilla x Kong I

TKT 337: Taking the Piss III

TKT 387: Godzilla x Kong II

TKT 338: Art Talk

TKT 388: Godzilla x Kong III

TKT 339: Let Us Sex

TKT 389: Godzilla x Kong IV

TKT 340: Mistakes

TKT 390: Godzilla x Kong V

TKT 341: Restore Balance

TKT 391: Godzilla x Kong VI

TKT 342: It's Toast

TKT 392: Godzilla x Kong VII

TKT 343: Azure Clam Church

TKT 393: Godzilla x Kong VIII

TKT 344: Tohovision

TKT 394: Godzilla x Kong IX

TKT 345: Miracle Grow

TKT 395: Godzilla x Kong X

TKT 346: Super Ecchs

TKT 396: Godzilla x Kong XI

TKT 347: Conflict Resolution

TKT 397: Godzilla x Kong XII

TKT 348: Going Ape

TKT 398: Godzilla x Kong XIII

TKT 349: Botany Litigation

TKT 399: Godzilla x Kong XIV

TKT 350: Film Reaction

TKT 400: Godzilla x Kong XV

copyright Neo-Monster Island 2000

If you are looking for the OLD comics, I took them down. They no longer represent who I am now, and I have the right to decide what defines me. I take FULL ownership of the person who I used to be, and the person who I am now is represented in my work. It's called growing up.