TKT 201: Dad Jokes I

TKT 251: On Golden Wings II

TKT 202: Dad Jokes II

TKT 252: On Golden Wings III

TKT 203: Dad Jokes III

TKT 253: And Now A Word

TKT 204: Dad Jokes IV

TKT 254: Kaiju Got Back

TKT 205: Dad Jokes V

TKT 255: French Position

TKT 206: You Fool!

TKT 256: Practical x CGI

TKT 207: Burn Island

TKT 257: Masks On

TKT 208: Brother's Keeper I

TKT 258: Internal to External

TKT 209: Brother's Keeper II

TKT 259: Who's Who?

TKT 210: Brother's Keeper III

TKT 260: Masks Off

TKT 211: Brother's Keeper Epilogue

TKT 261: Easy Off

TKT 212: A New Hope

TKT 262: Allegories

TKT 213: Oh The Toxic Fanity

TKT 263: Hard Bargain

TKT 214: I'll See About THAT!

TKT 264: Daily Planner

TKT 215: G&K

TKT 265: Day I Got Cookie

TKT 216: Arachnophilia

TKT 266: Father's Day 2022

TKT 217: Manic Monday

TKT 267: Get The Snip

TKT 218: Sidekicks

TKT 268: All In An Era

TKT 269: Moth Advice

TKT 220: Turning Jet

TKT 270: Crime Scene

TKT 221: King of Jokes

TKT 271: Always Moral

TKT 222: Mazin-Bro - Prelude

TKT 272: Son of Shin Goji I

TKT 223: Mazin-Bro I

TKT 273: Son of Shin Goji II

TKT 224: Mazin-Bro II

TKT 274: Farm Business

TKT 225: Mazin-Bro III

TKT 275: Final Cuddles

TKT 226: Mazin-Bro IV

TKT 276: Entomology Prime

TKT 227: Mazin-Bro V

TKT 277: Counterattack of Metaphor

TKT 228: Mazin-Bro VI

TKT 278: Taking the Piss I

TKT 229: Mazin-Bro VII

TKT 279: Taking the Piss II

TKT 230: Mazin-Bro VII

TKT 280: Shrimply Delicious

TKT 231: Mazin-Bro IX

TKT 281: Movie Magic

TKT 282: From My Brain

TKT 233: Let's Get It On I

TKT 283: The Main Event

TKT 234: Let's Get It On: II

TKT 284: No Flix

TKT 235: Power Hour

TKT 285: UnBoxing Day

TKT 236: Southern Drawls

TKT 286: Preach

TKT 237: Shut Yo Mouth

TKT 287: Hang On

TKT 238: Photo Shoppes

TKT 288: Blackstreet

TKT 239: Destruction Porn

TKT 289: When I Think ABout You

TKT 240: Kaiju Blood

TKT 290: Just Stop

TKT 241: Old Memes

TKT 291: Keep Going

TKT 241: Yello Bricks

TKT 292: Hair of the Dog

TKT 243: Go Go

TKT 293: Gigan 50

TKT 244: It's In There

TKT 294: Kaiju With Benefits

TKT 245: Elden Rings

TKT 295: MUTO Love

TKT 246: Rules of Gojiller

TKT 296: The Real Groomers

TKT 247: MONARCH Follies I

TKT 297: That's Nuts

TKT 248: MONARCH Follies II

TKT 298: That's the News

TKT 249: MONARCH Follies III

TKT 250: On Golden Wings I

TKT 300: That's 300!

copyright Neo-Monster Island 2000

If you are looking for the OLD comics, I took them down. They no longer represent who I am now, and I have the right to decide what defines me. I take FULL ownership of the person who I used to be, and the person who I am now is represented in my work. It's called growing up.